August 27, 2024



By. Quentin Sauvage

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks. Launching CloudBox in New Mexico was an experience I’ll never forget. Looking back, there were some big wins and a few unexpected surprises, but overall, I can confidently say that our entry into this new market has been a success. Here’s a little behind-the-scenes look at what went down.


When we decided to bring CloudBox to New Mexico, we knew we were diving into a market with a lot of potential. New Mexico’s recent legalization of recreational cannabis on June 29, 2021, set the stage for a thriving cannabis community. Fast forward to today, and there are already over 1,000 licensed dispensaries across the state. That’s a lot of competition, and it shows just how quickly the market is expanding.

Despite the crowded field, we were confident that CloudBox had something unique to offer. Our value proposition – a smart cannabis container system with inventory tracking – seemed like the perfect fit for dispensaries looking to streamline operations and keep their products safe and organized. We had a hunch there’d be interest, but the response we received blew us away. We sold out of our units in just three days. Three days! That’s something I’m incredibly proud of. It’s clear that there’s a real need for solutions that make life easier for dispensary owners and employees.


Of course, the journey wasn’t without its challenges. Launching in a market with so many emerging players vying for market share required us to be on top of our game. We quickly learned that, in New Mexico, relationships are everything. Building trust with dispensary owners, understanding their specific needs, and showing them that CloudBox could genuinely improve their day-to-day operations was key to our success. It wasn’t just about the product; it was about listening, adapting, and being responsive to feedback.

Another lesson was the importance of speed. The cannabis industry is moving fast, and New Mexico is no exception. With new dispensaries opening all the time and market dynamics shifting constantly, staying nimble was crucial. We had to be ready to make quick decisions and adjustments on the fly, whether it was tweaking our marketing approach or refining our customer service processes.


Reflecting on the past few weeks, I’m filled with optimism for what’s to come. The enthusiasm and support we’ve seen so far have only strengthened my belief in CloudBox’s potential. We’re already working on our next steps – restocking our units, scaling our operations, and continuing to build strong relationships with our New Mexico partners.

Launching in New Mexico has been a valuable learning experience. It reminded me of the importance of staying connected with the market, being responsive to customers, and always looking for ways to innovate and improve. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us next.Keep up with future CloudBox updates by subscribing to our newsletter here.