June 22, 2024


Watch our YouTube video showing visually how we have tailored CloudBox for all parts of the manufcturing, warehouse and fulfillment supply chain!

By Bo Sijuade, CMO

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the warehousing, fulfillment centers and manufacturing plants, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. One area where the innovative CloudBox is making a significant impact is inventory management. Traditional methods are being replaced by our cutting-edge solutions that not only streamline operations, allow for quicker turnaround times, and create a more efficient supply chain setup.

The Problem

Let’s be honest, when you're paying an employee an hourly wage they aren’t exactly the most motivated to make sure your inventory is reported accurately, especially if it's in a corporate/franchise environment. The issue here is not just that inventory is reported inaccurately, but communication isn’t as efficient, you’re wandering around your fulfillment center or manufacturing plant wondering where items are.

All these together lead to delays in supply chain, deadstock, stockout, mismanaged lead times, and so many other issues. This is expected though, humans aren’t perfect. The idea that you can have everyone synchronized together under one work environment all the time isn’t realistic.

But a system that automates everything for you so you can remove human judgment and error out of the equation? Now that’s an interesting thought.

The Benefits of CloudBox

  1. Real-Time Tracking: With CloudBox, inventory levels can be monitored 24/7 through a user-friendly web portal. This real-time visibility allows businesses to make informed decisions and let other team members get immediate access to inventory counts to make their jobs easier.
  2. Open Software API: CloudBox strives to be as versatile as possible so that you can use and tailor it specifically to your business. Our software is open API which means you can have it linked directly to your business’s pre-existing software, allowing you to customize your business in any way.
  3. Custom Alert Notifications: CloudBox allows you to set custom alert notifications, allowing you to choose when notifications are triggered. This can be because you want to be reminded when to order more inventory, replenish your containers, or to be notified when theft happens, the decision is up to you!
  4. Location Tracking: The CloudBox container has an RFID chip embedded into it. This stores all the information that you set during the setup process. Why? This allows you to ship containers to and from different businesses, and the CloudBox will know where it is in the supply chain. You can even know where it is within your own building. Whether it's in the storage room, workstation or in the assembly line.
  5. Multiple Data Modes: The CloudBox can be set in “Unit Mode”, if the items being stored have a uniform/identical weight, or “Weight Mode”, if the items being stored don’t have an identical weight.
  6. Communicate Effectively: Leave notes for other users to communicate with one another across several departments and locations.

The time for inefficient inventory management is in the past. We want to make CloudBox as customizable as possible to your business and your business’s needs. Let us know what you need from us and we’ll work with you on streamlining your company’s work process!

Please reach out to us at Contact@Cloudboxapp.com or fill out a Contact Us Form.