June 17, 2024

CloudBox's "Unit Mode" vs "Weight Mode" Explained

By Ethan Johnson

The CloudBox was designed in principle to be versatile to fit any business use case. Originally, the CloudBox was meant for food, which meant that it took the “Weight Mode” from it. Since then, there has been an introduction of a new mode… “Unit Mode.” These two modes allow any business to customize their CloudBox to fit any need, but how does it work?

Unit Mode or not to Unit Mode?

During the setup process, the CloudBox user will have the choice between two types of modes. “Weight Mode” and “Unit Mode”. If the item being stored has the same identical weight, and that weight can be identified without variation, like screws or pills for example, then the user can select “Unit Mode” and the CloudBox will automatically detect the weight of 1 unit.

If the items being stored don’t have an identical weight the user would select “Weight Mode”. Instead of knowing how many units were removed or added, the device and app will show how much weight was removed or added. The user can select between imperial or metric weight formats. Our CloudBox has .1g degree of accuracy, ensuring that you know the exact amount of items/weight stored at all times.

Now what…

As you add products, you will see the number on the scale increase accordingly in the mode of measurement you previously set. Upon removing any product, the display will read the amount removed in the same unit of measurement, then after a few seconds, go back to displaying the real time inventory stored inside. The data is always copied and transferred to your CloudBox software, available from anywhere in the world.

“Weight Mode” differs from “Unit Mode” in the fact that it does not give you the exact quantity of product inside the box, just its total weight. This can be incredibly useful for non-uniform small item storage. This is extremely useful for the Cannabis industry for items such as flower. In the manufacturing and warehouse environment, “Unit Mode'' is extremely useful for items such as screws, nails, electrical hardware, mechanical hardware and so much more.

Customize your CloudBox with how you want to digitally run your business. Request a demo today!